Socioeconomic   Planning   Secretary  and  NEDA  Director  General  Arsenio

Balisacan  called  for  continuous improvement in the quality of government service through training programs for public leaders.

During the recent launch of Public Management Development Program (PMDP) at the  Development  Academy  of the Philippines (DAP), Balisacan said that an enhanced  public  service will translate to an improved investment climate, paving the way for an inclusive growth in the long run.

“By  developing  a  corps of development-oriented, competent, dedicated and honest  government executives, the PMDP upholds the Aquino administration’s

mission   of   guaranteeing   a   more  responsive,  honest  and  effective

government,” the newly-appointed Cabinet official said.

Balisacan,  whose thrust as NEDA chief is to reduce constraints that impede fast  and  inclusive  growth,  vowed to continue development reforms in the government especially in fast tracking investments in infrastructure.

In  a  separate  event,  Balisacan  had  earlier  said  that human resource development  is  one  of  the  tools that can be maximized by government to develop  its  institutions.  “The  DAP  Master’s Program is a good start in systematically  developing the capacity of government employees. With this, we would be able to hurdle our future challenges.”

The  PMDP,  inspired by the success of Career Executive Service Development Program  implemented  in  the  1980s,  aims  to  revitalize  and reform the

government   through   an   intensive,   multimodal   residential  training

facilitated by DAP.

The  program offers two classes: the Senior Executives Class and the Middle Managers Class.

Participants  to  these two classes were nominated by heads of agencies and have gone through a rigorous selection process. They are entitled to a full government scholarship grant and will be awarded a Master’s degree from the Academy after completion of the program.

NEDA  is a member of the PMDP Interagency Steering Committee, together with DAP,  Civil  Service  Commission (CSC), Department of Budget and Management (DBM), and Department of Finance (DOF).

MR No. 2012-041

24 May 2012

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