Monthly Archive: May 2021
Rising labor force participation and falling unemployment have enabled millions of Filipinos to regain their jobs and incomes in March 2021, according to the country’s economic managers.
The labor market continued to see gains in March 2021 following the further reopening of the economy, while adhering to the minimum health standards.
The temporary reduction of pork tariffs and the increase of the minimum access volume (MAV) for imported pork are essential to immediately curb the rising pork inflation for the benefit of some 100 million Filipinos, the National Economic and Development Authority said.
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte expressed his support for the implementation of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) or the National ID program during the televised COVID-19 Concerns and Talk to the Nation on May 3, 2021.
The Philippine government is recalibrating its COVID-19 response to better manage risks and fast-track solutions on contact-tracing and the national ID deployment, said the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).