The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) has reaffirmed the Philippine government’s commitment to Mindanao’s development by further improving the region’s investment climate and innovation ecosystem, following its robust growth in 2022.

During the 2nd Mindanao Development Forum on May 18, 2023, NEDA Secretary Arsenio M. Balisacan provided the economic context by highlighting how the entire Mindanao region grew by 7.2 percent in 2022 and contributed 17.2 percent to national output.

To sustain Mindanao’s recovery and push for its economic transformation, he highlighted the government’s initiatives and policy thrusts for the region, which are found in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028, the country’s medium-term development blueprint.

“The government is committed to scaling up domestic investment promotion and business-matching activities at the local level. We aim to map out value chains across sectors and foster regional industrialization,” said Balisacan.

The NEDA chief noted that the government aims to make Mindanao a central hub for innovation by accelerating the commercialization of research and development outputs throughout the region. The government, in collaboration with the private sector, aims to expand the Regional Inclusive Innovation Centers in Davao, Cagayan de Oro, Zamboanga, and Iligan.

“These innovation centers will continue to provide design-thinking workshops and serve as venues for networking and engaging with the academe, industry, and other ecosystem players,” Balisacan said.

The Plan includes strategies to ensure a smooth and complete transition of the Bangsamoro government, as part of the government’s efforts to promote peace and security in Mindanao. It also outlines strategies for strengthening institution building, personnel development, economic management, fast-tracking of normalization and transformation programs, and strengthening intergovernmental relations mechanisms between the national and Bangsamoro governments.

Balisacan further emphasized the role of infrastructure in supporting future investments in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, food processing, IT-BPOs, tourism, and high-tech sectors. He provided an overview of the 51 Infrastructure Flagship Projects (IFPs) in the Mindanao region, which mostly focus on improving physical connectivity and water resources. These IFPs encompass a wide range of infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, urban transportation, air and maritime transport, rail systems, irrigation, flood management, water supply initiatives, and post-harvest facilities and logistics.

Other Mindanao IFPs include the Mindanao Irrigation Development Project, the General Santos Fish Port upgrade, Phase 3 of the Mindanao Railway Project, the New Zamboanga Airport, Naawan-Opol-Cagayan de Oro City – Villanueva Expressway, the Cagayan de Oro Bus Rapid Transit, the modernization of public transport in Davao and Zamboanga, and the construction of the Central Mindanao High Standard Highway.


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