High-level Forum: Beyond Growth: Inclusion, Sustainability and Governance Sept 9-10
Dear friends in the
a reminder of the invitation for tomorrow’s event at the ADB, details provided
below. Let me know if you will be coming so that I can pre-register you.
Thank you and best regards,
on behalf of Vinod Thomas, Director General of Independent Evaluation at Asian
Development Bank
Dear friends in the
I’d like to cordially invite you to an Independent Evaluation forum at the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) on 9-10 September 2014 at which a variety
of eminent speakers from government, multilateral banks, and academe will
discuss innovative approaches to tackling Asia’s increasingly complex
development challenges. Session topics include governance and anticorruption,
inclusive growth and employment opportunities, and natural hazards and climate
There will be a press Q&A on 9 September at 1.00 pm at which
panelists will be available to answer questions from the media. A light lunch
will be served. Confirmed panelists include:
Tony Kwok
anticorruption specialist
Mohan Munasinghe
International climate
change expert
Recipient of Nobel
Peace Prize 2007 as Vice Chair Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change
Jose Villarin
International climate
change expert
President, Ateneo de
Ravi Kanbur
International poverty
Professor, Cornell
Vinod Thomas
Director General,
Independent Evaluation at ADB
The full itinerary of
the forum—Innovation and Learning in a Changing Asia—is attached and related
material will be made available at the event. You may confirm your
interest by replying to this email or you may also register online through: http://www.adb.org/news/events/evaluation-learning-event-learning-innovation-and-change. Let me know if I can be of assistance in your
coverage, either before or during the event.
It would be great to have you here!