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MANILA—The Aquino administration is updating the Philippine Development Plan: 2011-2016 (PDP) to ensure sustainability and inclusiveness of the current high economic growth of the country, according to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).

“Achieving inclusive growth remains a huge challenge and a top priority.  While the economy has been performing respectably well recently, we need to ensure that this growth is inclusive; that is, it is participated in by many more and it is shared by all,” said NEDA officer-in-charge (OIC) and Deputy Director-General Emmanuel F. Esguerra.

Spearheaded by NEDA, the PDP Midterm Update will assess and address gaps, constraints and bottlenecks in attaining rapid, sustained and inclusive growth.

“With the latest economic, social and political developments here and abroad, there is a need to revisit and update the PDP to ensure the country is efficiently heading towards its medium-term goals,” said Esguerra.

“With the participation of government line agencies, local government units and civil society groups, strategies in the updated Plan will more closely consider spatial and sectoral dimensions to ensure that those in the poor areas and sectors are mainstreamed in the growth process,” he added.

Overseas Filipinos and their families will also be explicitly regarded in the Plan as they constitute one of the sources of growth and development for the country.

Meanwhile, Results Matrix, will also be revalidated simultaneously. As PDP’s accompanying document, it contains the list of indicators that can be monitored to determine the progress of the Plan.

Both the PDP Midterm Update and the revalidated Results Matrix will highlight three critical elements – high and sustained economic growth; growth that generates mass employment; and growth that reduces poverty and facilitates the achievement of the millennium development goals.

Transparent and responsive governance, guarantee of national security and peace, and ecological integrity will remain an overarching platform in implementing the strategies in the Plan.

The PDP Midterm Update is expected to be available before the end of the year.

Esguerra, who is Deputy Director-General for Planning and Policy, is OIC of NEDA from April 18 to 22, 2013, while Socioeconomic Planning Secretary and NEDA Director-General Arsenio M. Balisacan is on official business abroad.

M.R. No. 2013-040                                                                               

21 March 2013

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